Adverts for the future
“Less is more”
"Less is More" is an immersive audio experience that cleverly peels back the layers of sound to reveal how the Good Life we’re all seeking has been obscured by the frenetic way we live today.
It’s me you (Ft. Alice Levine)
Starring British radio and television presenter, narrator and comedian Alice Levine, this film brings the future forward in a really personal, humorous way through time travel.
Good stuff
"Good Stuff" brilliantly demonstrates our addiction to ‘stuff’ – the mass consumerism we are all consumed by. It then reveals what the actual Good Stuff is in life – time with others, time in nature, time doing the things we love.
Listen To Citizens
As part of our citizen research, we spoke to everyday people about what a ‘good life’ looks and feels like now and in the future.