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Understanding Ireland Citizen Visions of a Good Life 2030
May 2024
This in-depth, nationally representative piece of qualitative and quantitative research invited citizens of Ireland to describe their values and articulate their vision for a ‘good life.’
We find, mirroring findings from our UK Citizen Visions reports – nothing matters more than feeling connected.
The Good Life 2030 Ireland project, is funded by Creative Ireland as part of the Creative Climate Action Fund and THINKHOUSE agency.
The latest edition of ongoing research into what UK citizens’ visions of a good life really look like.
This research is the bedrock of the Good Life 2030 project, evidencing citizens’ shifting values and desire for a different good life: one of connectedness, not consumption.
This 2023 report follows original research in 2021, painting a more complex picture of what we mean by a “good life” in the wake of the pandemic & other crises.
Good Life 2030 Documentary
A great place to start. Our much-loved 15 minute documentary exploring advertising and its relationship to the climate crisis.
First produced in 2021 and premiered at COP26 in Glasgow.
Good Life 2030
A great place to start. Our much-loved 15 minute documentary exploring advertising and its relationship to the climate crisis.
First produced in 2021 and premiered at COP26 in Glasgow.
Good Life 2030 Imagination Toolkit
An interactive, self-paced imagination journey for anyone in marketing, advertising and comms looking to make change.
This toolkit has evolved from a series of live imagination workshops with industry leaders, using imagination techniques developed with New Constellations.
Good Life 2030 Collective Manifesto
A manifesto-making tool inviting all to declare a new vision of an advertising, marketing and media industry, in service to the good life we want.
Use this tool to articulate & keep your own vision, and add your voice to the collective call for change.
Citizen soundbites
Over the course of our research, we’ve gathered inspiring audio reflections from citizens on what makes a future good life.
Take these for a walk or play them with your teams to stimulate discussion about what a good life in 2030 could look like.

Keen to dive deeper?
You can also access further resources and reading recommendations in our
Good Life 2030 Imagination Toolkit